Phantoms Volleyball Club 2022 AGM was held on the 10th of December via a Zoom Meeting.

Elected members of the 2022/23 executive committee were passed with the following nominations accepted:


President: Ben Hassell

Vic President: Currently Vacant

Secretary: Dave Berry

Treasurer: Michael Mayes

General Members: Rachelle Casley, Cameron Robinson, Tayla Sjogren & Ollie Harriott


The minutes of the AGM, along with president and treasurer reports can be location on the Governance Page.


Following the AGM there are still some vacancies on the 2023 Committee and we encourage any of our Associations, our members or others linked to the Club who feel they can contribute in some way off the court to get in contact with Ben or email info@phantomsvolleyball.com.au to discuss possible roles.
The role of the committee is critically important to the function and survival of any volunteer run organisation so we encourage you to consider how you might contribute to the future direction of the Club off the court, as well as on it. You can nominate as a full Committee Member or as a “Shadow” member where you are mentored by an existing member to understand the processes and responsibilities. Perfect for a first-time person wanting to get involved.