The Phantoms Volleyball Club is a fully incorporated entity as recognised by Consumer Affairs Victoria and operates under a constitution initially developed as Western Phantom Volleyball Club in 2012 and updated in 2018.

Phantoms are certified as fully affiliated with Volleyball Victoria.

Notice of 2024 AGM


Phantoms Volleyball Club (A0057334Y) hereby give notice to all members that the 2024 AGM will be held in person on Friday 25th October from 6:45pm, at the All Seasons Hotel Complex, Bendigo prior to the clubs Annual Presentation Night

The meeting is to receive final reports from 2024 and to elect Office Bearers and Committee Members for 2024/2025 season.

The club will also look to possibly setup a dial in or online link meeting if required for any members wishing to attend the AGM, but cannot do so in person.

Nomination forms can be located on the club’s website, linked below, as ask that anyone wishing to come aboard to the club’s committee in 2025 to please submit a nomination form prior to the night. Nominations can be supported and seconded by financial members on the night.

If anyone has any questions or want to know more about roles please contact the club by emailing us on to discuss further.

Executive Committee Nomination Form 2025



The Phantoms Volleyball Club 2023 Annual general meeting was held online via Zoom on 22nd October 2023. The AGM Agenda, AGM Minutes, President’s Report and 2023 Treasurer’s Report can be downloaded below:
2023 AGM Agenda 22.10.2023
2023 AGM Minutes 22.10.2023
2023 Phantoms President’s Report

2023 Phantoms Treasurer’s Report
Phantoms Volleyball Club 2023 Financials

Phantoms Executive Committee 2024
President – Ben Hassell
Vice President – Cam Robinson
Treasurer – Michael Mayes
Secretary – David Berry
Member – Rachelle Casley
Member – Matt Berry
Member – Ollie Harriott
Member – Tayla Sjogren
Shadow Member – Steph Davis
Shadow Member – Jayden Wright

Phantoms Committee 
While our committee has been elected post the AGM if you feel like you could contribute to the club on our board in anyway we encourage any of our Associations, our members or others linked to the Club to get in contact with our President Ben Hassell or any other current committee member or alternately email to discuss possible roles or joining the committee for 2024.
The role of the committee is critically important to the function and survival of any volunteer run organisation so we encourage you to consider how you might contribute to the future direction of the Club off the court, as well as on it. You can nominate as a full Committee Member or as a “Shadow” member where you are mentored by an existing member to understand the processes and responsibilities. Perfect for a first time person wanting to get invovled.
Phantoms Executive Committee 2023
President – Ben Hassell
Vice President – Vacant
Treasurer – Michael Mayes
Secretary – David Berry
Member – Rachelle Casley
Member – Cam Robinson
Member – Ollie Harriott
Member – Tayla Sjogren

Phantoms Executive Committee 2022

President – Ben Hassell
Vice President – Josh Gordon
Treasurer – Michael Mayes
Secretary – Dave Berry
Member – Rachelle Casley


Phantoms Executive Committee 2021

President – Ben Hassell
Vice President – Elsie Rodgers
Treasurer – Joshua Gordon
Secretary – Damon Minotti
Member – Chris Hermans
Member – Joe Nguyen
Member – Peter Hassell
Member – Rachelle Casley
Member – Michael Mayes

Phantoms Executive Committee 2020
President – Paul Byrne
Vice President – Peter Hassell
Secretary – Damon Minotti
Treasurer – Joshua Gordon
Member – Joe Nguyen
Member – Ben Hassell
Member – Rachelle Casley
Member – Chris Hermans
Member – Elsie Rodgers
The 2020 Committee would like to acknowledge the unprecedented operating environment of the Covid-19 year and in particular pay tribute to our outgoing President Paul Byrne for the leadership he has shown in growing the club over the duration of his tenure as President and ensuring its survival through these uniquely challenging times. Paul has built strong on strong relationships for the club with key stakeholder, overseen continued financial stability and growth and most importantly, ensured that the safety and welfare of all our members and their communities was at the forefront of the club’s decision making during the year. The Committee would also like to thank Josh Gordon for his vigilance and diligence in identifying and successfully applying for grants to ensure only a minimal loss was made by the club in 2020. This was also made possible by the extreme generosity of many of our members and their family members who took out Associate Memberships in 2020, knowing that they would not be able to use them but their commitment would ensure the continued financial stability of Phantoms. Thank you!
The 2020 Phantoms Volleyball Club Committee met on several occasions throughout the 2019-2020 season. A copy of each of the minutes from the meetings can be downloaded below.

Phantoms Executive Committee 2019
President – Paul Byrne
Vice President – Damon Minotti
Secretary – David Berry / Damon Minotti
Treasurer – Joshua Gordon
Member – Elsie Rodgers
Member – Ben Hassell
Member – Peter Hassell
Member – Chris Hermans
Phantoms would like to thank the 2019 Committee who have guided the Club through another growth period with 9 VVL teams including a full compliment of Women’s and Men’s teams plus an additional Division 2 Men’s team. The Club is in a strong financial and membership position and continues to grow it’s playing base but must also plan for the future. The Committee would like to thank all the coaches, players, administrators, parents and families for their commitment and efforts over the 2019 VVL season. It is an enormous commitment in time, travel and money but one we trust is worth the investment. In particular the Club would like to thank one of it’s foundation members and driving forces who helped take Phantoms from the infancy of an idea to fully established VVL Club, David Berry. Dave’s continued commitment to make Phantoms what it is today and create an elite pathway into senior volleyball for all regional players has been one of our pillars of success.
Phantoms Executive Committee 2018
President – Paul Byrne
Vice President – Damon Minotti
Secretary – David Berry
Treasurer – Joshua Gordon
Member – Kate Eason
Member – Ben Hassell
Member – Peter Hassell
Member – Chris Hermans
Phantoms Executive Committee 2017
President – Matthew Gordon
Vice President – Damon Minotti
Secretary – David Berry
Treasurer – Joshua Gordon
Member – Kate Eason
Member – Bruce Keeley
Member – Peter Hassell
Member – Chris Hermans